Yoga is for you
Yoga is the path to a happier and healthier life for everyone
Are you breathing? Yes? Great! Then yoga is for you.
You might say, but I am not flexible enough. And trust me, I have heard that many many times. My answer might be different each time, but let me tell you one thing. If you do not use your body in ways that nature designed it to move, you will just get stiffer and stiffer with time. Also the older we get the more our muscles want stimulation to stay strong. Do you want to turn 70 and have someone help you tie your shoes? Well, I do not just want to get old, but I want to lead a happy, healthy, active and flexible life into an old age. But you do not need that long to experience the life changing effects of yoga. My students reported short term effects like better sleep, more calmness, more strength, more flexibility, less stress, better bike performance, improved body awareness and many more awesome things.
It took me many years until I finally stepped on to a yoga mat and gave it a shot. I didn’t like it. But I tried again and again and one day, I realized this has great potential to save me. Save my body from the degeneration of aging and excessive sports. Saving my health by learning how to breath and saving my soul by learning to manage crises. Saving my friendships and partnerships by understanding when my ego is talking and when my heart. Saving my life by understanding what really matters.
Today, I wish I had someone giving me that little push a bit earlier. But now, I am dedicated to help you to discover that there is a form of yoga for you. And hopefully I can introduce you to it in a way that shortens your path into feeling it’s enormous potential. Cutting away the struggles I had when I got started and supporting you step by step into your life changing yoga path.
Yoga is accessible
Are you physical impaired or injured? Try our Bed-Time Yoga Nidra, Meditation or Pranayama class and Office Yoga. Those are not only low impact but also great to for getting started with yoga.
Office Yoga
You do not have the time for a full class? Sneak it in, in your lunch break and join the office yoga class. Seated and sometimes standing poses that won’t make you sweat, but awaken the body which was sitting for far too long. It will help you relax your eyes and works on improving your breathing for more performance, focus and concentration. Online office yoga is also great for seniors, bigger yogis or beginners.
Start yoga now
Private classes can be a great way to get started. We offer regular beginner workshops in the studio or online course for beginners. Contact us below, and we can discuss what the best way to get started with yoga is for you.