How to handle exam fear with yoga
Guest Blog Post by Malek Fourati
About a year and a half ago, I had my Economic Master students sitting for their final exam. As soon as I entered the exam room, I felt the students being tense and stressed, something fairly common during students’ final exam. To let go of this tension, I invited them to do a simple and short breathing exercise before looking at their exam shit. They had to simply count their breath down from 10 to 1 as such, inhaling 10, exhaling 10, inhaling 9, exhaling 9, and so on. I also sensed that some students were puzzled by such invitation. Probably, as economic students they are not used to breathing exercise and certainly even less when their teacher invites them to do it. I told them that this should help them release some unwanted stress and improve their concentrate on the exam questions. And so, here we were, with all of us doing the pranayama for about five minutes. I felt the tension and the stress reigning in the room lightening and almost disappearing. At the end of the exercise, I saw the students opening their eyes with a glimpse of a smile. I don’t know whether this little pranayama helped them perform better in their exam, but they did do quite well.
Who is Malek Fourati
Julia from Warrior Princess Yoga met Maleke in South Africa, where they both participated in their second Yoga Teacher Training at Pathways Country Yoga Retreats. She is an amazing human being, kind and a very considered yoga teacher. After the her second 200h yoga teacher she partook in a Pregnancy Yoga course as well. You can follow her on her Instagram.