by Esther | Oct 25, 2020 | Guest Blog Post, Yoga Philosophy
Benefits of Yoga Nidra How Yoga Nidra can change your life The intention of a sincere Yogi or Yogini is to yoke / merge finite self with Infinite Self, this is only obtainable through the complete practice of yoga which includes all eight limbs of yoga, namely Yamas,...
by Esther | Sep 30, 2020 | Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers, Yoga Philosophy
Why is yoga so spiritual? Yoga and spirituality explained Let’s put this in simple words. What differentiate practicing asanas (set of physical exercise) in yoga from gymnastics? Connecting your breath to the movement or the static retention of the poses (and a...
by Esther | May 18, 2020 | Guest Blog Post, Yoga Philosophy
“What are you willing to commit to… and let go off?” Guest Blog Post by Cedric Abhyasa & Vairagya: Commitment and Letting go Night & day, masculine & feminine, individual & universal, body & mind, joy & suffering, effort & surrender… Yoga,...
by Esther | May 3, 2020 | Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers, Yoga Philosophy
Awareness, a traveler’s perspective Practicing Mindfulness Once upon a time I traveled to South America all by myself. People around me told me to be very careful travelling as a woman alone. I personally believe that it can be dangerous anywhere in the world....