by Esther | Jun 1, 2023 | Yoga Philosophy
The surprising teachings of a birthday cake It was just my birthday. And I love birthdays. But this one was different. It was a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions. As I like to do, I reflect on challenging situations and see what I can learn from it. It was a reminder...
by Esther | Jan 16, 2023 | Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers, Yoga Philosophy
Why discipline is important in yoga Tapas and why discipline in yoga is important for teachers and students Anyone, who ever experienced transformation and healing through yoga, knows how powerful it is. The practice is not to be taken lightly. Of course we can flow...
by Esther | Oct 8, 2022 | Yoga Philosophy
The valuable benefits of learning Sanskrit Why learn Sanskrit as a yoga practitioner or teacher? Do you know the challenges when you want to say something in your second tongue and just couldn’t find the right word? Or that there is just no good translation for a...
by Esther | Jun 4, 2021 | Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers, Yoga Philosophy
Do you speak the truth? What is lying? – Trruthfulness and Yoga Pantanjali offers us 5 moral disciplines to obtain a harmonious social life. The second one is called Satya and it means truthfulness. But it may not be as simple, as not lying someone in their...
by Esther | Mar 18, 2021 | Yoga Philosophy
The unexpected connection of yoga and winter bathing As still as the frozen sea My winter bathing journey began one summer. I was reading about the benefits of cold showers. Besides the cardiovascular benefits, there were also spiritual ones that I found appealing....
by Esther | Dec 14, 2020 | Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers, Yoga Philosophy
The quality of practicing yoga together The power of group meditation and yoga Meditation in itself holds many benefits. But practicing together can add many more when we acommulate our energies on a higher level. In meditation we work on understanding that we do not...