by Esther | Jun 26, 2021 | Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers
The Powerful Practice of Vulnerability I am sitting on the floor. My back towards the bed. My body curled into a little ball. Tears are running down my cheeks. I am sobbing. My boyfriend comes in to comfort me. He says: “this is a great teaching. Learn to live with...
by Esther | Jun 4, 2021 | Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers, Yoga Philosophy
Do you speak the truth? What is lying? – Trruthfulness and Yoga Pantanjali offers us 5 moral disciplines to obtain a harmonious social life. The second one is called Satya and it means truthfulness. But it may not be as simple, as not lying someone in their...
by Esther | Feb 8, 2021 | Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers
The interesting connection of Minimalism and Yoga Simplify your life with yoga The more I dig into yoga, the more I notice how universal its teachings are. So many areas of our lives, from non-violent food choices (ahimsa) to being punctual (asteya – not...
by Esther | Jan 29, 2021 | Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers
About the big changes during the pandemic Waking up in Paradise I am walking barefoot over warm stones, I can hear the birds singing and behind me the panorama of three volcanoes immerse in the light of the setting sun. The lake in front of them lays calm. Far from...
by Esther | Jan 11, 2021 | For Yoga Teachers, Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers
Breathe right, now. Why breathing right should be your top priority right now New studies suggest that NO (Nitric Oxide) – known for its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties – can lower the viral load of COVID-19 too. Lately I...
by Esther | Dec 14, 2020 | Warrior Princess Yoga Teachers, Yoga Philosophy
The quality of practicing yoga together The power of group meditation and yoga Meditation in itself holds many benefits. But practicing together can add many more when we acommulate our energies on a higher level. In meditation we work on understanding that we do not...