Boundaries in a Yoga Class
Guest Blog Post by Alexa
Hey, I am Alexa and I teach Hatha Yoga and Yin Yoga in Bamberg. I want to share this article with you to create awareness of a topic that is very sensitive and needs our attention – boundaries!
I am sure that all of you have had moments of irritation in a Yoga class. But there was one moment in class, that really irritated me. The Yoga teacher assistant of my Ashtanga Yoga Led class, who I saw for the first time in my life, touched my breast during an assist.
This was clearly overstepping of my boundaries. I had a hard time dealing with this irritation the following minutes in the class. Eventually, I decided that I would speak up and say something at the end of the class.
But what?
It took me a long time to find appropriate words and it ended up being something like: „uhm, hey, in this first assist, you touched my breast. I guess it was not on purpose, but it made me feel uncomfortable. I really liked how warm your hands were in the first assist you gave me, though.“
Not that hard, right?
Well, for me it was. And I am a Yoga teacher myself. I know what is appropriate and what isn’t. This definitely wasn’t. An assistant always needs to be good or at least okay for the student. If a mistake happens, immediate communication is necessary.
Dear Yoga teachers, please be aware that in Yoga classes, trust and a safe space are the most important factors! Especially when you don’t know a student, always check if assists are okay and double-check what kind of assists.
And Yoga students – be courageous and talk to your Yoga teacher if you felt uncomfortable – in most cases the Yoga teacher will be thankful for your feedback and eager to improve the class and teaching quality.
It is okay to set boundaries and communicate them.
Who is Alexa
Julia from Warrior Princess Yoga met Alexa in Frankfurt. Alexa had an important role in introducing Yoga to her.